He became the host for Baal, Lord of Destruction. In doing so, even if we fail, we will have set a path for others to follow.' Tal Rasha on the nature of mortals(src) Tal Rasha was a powerful Horadric Mage, and the original leader of the order. Fire Spur Me Gesture in the main campfire. 'We cannot always change the future, but we can fight to guide it.You can loot a Smoldering Butterfly off the dead body of one of the Thorn-Fire Sorcerers you just killed.You can find the Flame, Cleanse Me Incantation within a corpse facing the main campfire.Only Fire Monks in Mountaintops of the Giants can drop Monk's Flameblade. Mountaintops of the Giants, Guardians' Garrison.Fort Laiedd, west of the Seethewater Terminus Site of Grace.Liurnia of the Lakes, southeast of the Church of Vows, as well as east of the Village of the Albinaurics, closest to the Lakeside Crystal Cave Site of Grace.The monks came to the land of Liurnia in pursuit of a fugitive who stole their fire. The Fire Monks are guardians of the flame of ruin, forbidden by the Erdtree and said to be kept high in the Mountaintops of the Giants. Each faction quest consists of eight chapters, and will provide powerful technology unique to that faction as a reward at set points in the quest line. The spirit of a Fire Monk can be summoned for aid in battle by using the Fire Monk Ashes. Faction Quests could be considered the main quest of the game, though each major faction has their own quest to follow (except the Mezari, who share the Vaulters faction quest) which begins the turn after the faction's first city is founded. Fire Monks gather at night in rituals and processions burning their way through Liurnia of the Lakes, accompanied by their Flame Chariots. They settle in folksy camps surrounded by their Thorn Sorcerers followers. Fire Monk is a Humanoid Enemy in Elden Ring.